Registration Now Closed - JOURNEY with PURPOSE - Jordan 2025 Retreat
Jordan Retreat 2025
Travel away from your homeland in pursuit of excellence,
And journey, for in traveling are five benefits:
Relief from distress, earning a livelihood,
Gaining knowledge, refining manners, and the company of the noble.
Embark on a transformative 7-night spiritual journey through the sacred landscapes of Jordan in the company of Shaykh Ismail al-Kurdi & guests. You will have opportunity to attend his gatherings, benefit from his teachings and travel to sacred places throughout the week. Shaykh Ismail is renowned for his ability to inspire hearts, guide souls, and provide clarity on the path of spirituality.
Shaykh Ismail al-Kurdi (Jordan)
Sidi Abdul-Rahman al-Kurdi (Jordan)
Shaykh Siddiq Mitha (UK)
The tour includes visits to some of the most significant historical sites in Jordan. Among these are the Blessed Tree, where the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) rested during his travels, and Plains of Mu'tah, where the esteemed martyrs Sayedina Ja'far at-Tayyar, Sayedina Zayd b. Haritha, and Sayedina Abdullah b. Rawaha are buried.
You will also have the opportunity to visit the resting places of the companions at Ghowr, such as Sayedina Muadh b. Jabal and Sayedina Abu Ubaydah, and more.
Throughout the journey, Shaykh Ismail will lead spiritual sessions and visits to the sacred sites, and the group will have ample opportunity to spend time with him at the Zawiya of Shaykh Saeed al-Kurdi. There will also be guest lectures by teachers connected to Saeed Institute where the timetable allows for it.
This trip is not only a rare opportunity to visit Jordan’s most sacred locations but also a chance to build a deeper connection to the spiritual path through the companionship and guidance of Shaykh Ismail al-Kurdi. It promises to be a week of deep spiritual renewal, profound learning, and lasting memories, inshAllah.
The retreat will begin on 8th April after 6pm and will finish on 15th April around 10am
Accommodation for 7 nights in a select prestigious 4* hotel in Amman
Breakfast and dinner daily, providing an opportunity to enjoy local Jordanian cuisine
Transportation to and from all scheduled destinations, including visits to sacred sites
Spiritual gatherings and sessions with Shaykh Ismail al-Kurdi, and others, throughout the week
Flights to and from Jordan
Transfer from the airport to the hotel in Amman is not included due to people arriving at different times (taxis will be available from the airport for around 30-35 JOD)
Visa fees (to be bought on arrival for approximately 40 JOD)
Any additional meals or visits to places not included in the group schedule
*Age 0 to 4 - £60 (accommodated with parents) SOLD OUT
*Age 5 to 11 - £348 (accommodated with parents with extra beds/mattress provided) SOLD OUT
*Age 12+ - £695 (per person in a shared room) SOLD OUT
*Age at the time of flying
Complete the registration form by the deadline of 31 December 2024 (please DO NOT book flights until you have received confirmation of acceptance): Registration Form
Once you have been contacted by the institute with confirmation of acceptance, pay a non-refundable deposit of 50% by 8 January 2025 (payment date pulled forward to cover reservation costs) and provide additional traveller information
Complete final payment by 12 February 2025
Familiarise yourself with the full tour pack which will be issued in advance of the tour starting.
Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate such requests due to anticipated demand, and intricacies related to travel and accommodation booking.
Minimum age for single male applicants is 18 years old. Female travellers are encouraged to seek a suitable mahram to accompany them on the journey.
Cancellations before 30 January will be honoured. Cancellations post 30 January will forfeit the deposit payment.
We will endeavour to translate all lectures / advices into English.
We will endeavour to share select gatherings over social media where possible.
Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate this due transport arrangements and intricacies related to the overall tour management.
No, unfortunately not.
Unfortunately, we are not able to assist with hotel bookings beyond the 7 nights included in the package.